Take your life to the next level.

Control. Connection. Clarity.

  • Learn who you are & what you really want. Build confidence. Realize your potential.

  • Learn how to keep the pain + adverse experiences of your past from holding you back and limiting your beliefs.

  • Design exactly the life you want to be living + build the action steps that will take you there.

  • Attain + achieve all that you desire through planning, clarity, intentional action, & support

“I’m in the best place - mentally and emotionally - than I’ve ever been in my entire life. My relationships and my professional life are better because of this program.”

What is The ReProgram?

  • The ReProgram goes deeper. Most programs focus on controlling the conscious mind to force ourselves to change habits, since the conscious mind is the part of our brain we have control over. However, by the time we’re 35, our subconscious mind and how it’s been programed to think, feel, behave, and react, is the 90% of our brain that’s actually running the show.

    When we are able to solve for all the past pain, old wounds, and patterns of our past, EVERYTHING changes for the better.

    We no longer have to force our way through changing habits that don’t feel natural because we’re solving for the root that’s causing the surface level symptoms.

  • She’s a fusion of the business brilliance of Dan Sullivan, the courage and vulnerability of Brene Brown, and the subconscious rewiring of Dr. Joe Dispenza…with her own humor, love, and joy for life mixed in….which is to say - you’ve never come across this kind of program or tool.

    Beth is a tornado of inspiration, love, and gratitude who has a wild gift to love people where they are now and challenge the thought patterns that are keeping them stuck simultaneously.

    She’s a thought partner, visionary, and creator who has proven through her own journey and her work with her clients that we all have the ability to access the exact lives we desire to be living if we get out of our own way and get intentional about where we’re headed.

    She doesn’t tell people what to do. Her clients are all their own blueprints with their own gifts, strengths, and capabilities. Her ReProgram is specifically crafted to draw out their uniqueness and to teach people HOW to coach themselves through anything and everything life is or will throw at them in order to set them free forever.

  • Though Beth has worked with a wide variety of clients, those who realize the impact this program has and take the most committed action are typically business owners, entrepreneurs, and independent professionals whose burnout is impacting every facet of their lives - even if they are managing to hold it all together.

    This includes CPAs, attorneys, insurance brokers, Realtors, small business owners, loan officers, etc.

  • No. The ReProgram is all about learning the tools to access the control, connection, and clarity you desire - so you’ll have your own toolkit forever.

    The ReProgram has been crafted with specific action plans, worksheets, and guidelines to remove the self-censorship leaders often utilize when telling the most vulnerable parts of their story to someone else - because they don’t want to look weak or make anyone else look bad.

  • This is a 10 week high-level, hybrid program that was designed to get you maximum results in minimal time. Beth is a meat and potatoes girl that doesn’t believe in fluff. If you’re finally ready to access the freedom you desire, this is your program.

    It includes self-guided, group, and 1:1 components. There is a mastery + continuity option following the 10 weeks (+2 extra weeks as a buffes for when life gets life-y) should you choose to stay connected to additional support.

  • Considering the depth + longevity of benefits that this program has provided to our clients in every single facet of their lives - from improving their business/income to deepening their relationships with their partners and families, to improving their health and more - this program is not for people who are dabbling in partial solutions.

    For those who are ready to solve for the whole problem and be done with it, the investment ranges from $10-15k at this time.

Do these sound familiar?

And the big one - “How do I feel great about my life?”

You’re not alone. These are skills we’re not taught - the ones we have to wing and try to figure out how to navigate on the fly. The ones we’re all struggling with, but no one wants to talk about, because they don’t know either. It makes us feel vulnerable and lost. It’s what allows life to drag us so far outside of who we actually are in an effort to fit in with what it looks like everyone else is doing.

But now you’re here. And HERE is where everything changes - where the massive mindset shift occurs. Where the doors to everything you’ve ever wanted begin to unlock for you. Where deep connections + relationships with people who will help you get where you want to go are made.

When you’re ready to surround yourself with the inspired, the motivated, the grateful, the open-minded, and the passionate…when you’re ready to be one of those people, we’re here for you. It doesn’t matter where you’re starting, it matters only where you wish to go.


Be the best you.

This table was built for people who are ready to grow and succeed - personally & professionally. It was built for action takers with open hearts. It was built for the people who have that ache in their soul yearning for something more, even if they’re not certain what that is yet. If you’ve made it here, I know that ache exists for you - answer it. We have but this one wild life. Welcome to the table.

  • You are worthy, deserving, and deserving beyond your wildest imagination. It’s time for you to learn to see that for yourself.

  • The truth is, when we’re ready for radical growth and realizing our utmost potential, many of the connections we have in our lives currently won’t understand or will tell us we can’t, so we’ll begin to go it alone. You don’t have to go it alone. This table is full of action takers with open minds, clear hearts, and brilliant ideas who are ready to brainstorm and celebrate alongside you.

  • When we have clear, actionable goals broken down into manageable steps starting from where we are RIGHT NOW (no matter where that is) towards exactly where we want to go, success and growth are inevitable. We’re in here building our custom road maps to exactly what we want in life, having discussions about the best way to get there, leaning on each other for support, and walking intentionally in the direction of our ultimate life experience.


“This isn’t just a course and it isn’t just coaching. This is a powerful groundswell movement of action takers + open hearts with massive positive momentum.”