Unmasking the struggle: How imposter syndrome holds us back
Have you ever felt like you don't belong, despite your achievements and successes? That nagging voice in your head telling you that you're not as competent as others perceive you to be? You're not alone. Welcome to the world of imposter syndrome, a sneaky phenomenon that holds many of us back both personally and professionally.
How to find yourself again
“Sometimes, the disconnection with our own identity happens so quietly we don’t even notice - over decades of shading just a little piece of ourselves here and there in an effort to earn approval (or safety) from society at large or our parents or our partners or our business associates - until we wake up one day completely astonished at how far away from ourselves we’ve come to be (and stare at a wall, agape and dumbfounded, that we actually have no idea who we are NOW after all of this).”
5 steps to win 2023
Whether you’re simply relieved 2022 is over or thrilled to chase big goals in 2023, Beth Jones - mindset mentor for life + business - shares 5 Steps to take now to ensure 2023 brings what you desire most.
Recruiting Your Inner Critic
Most high achievers have a bully that lives in their brain that's constantly telling them they're not good enough or smart enough or enough enough. As a result, they're constantly pushing themselves for more and can't see or celebrate their own success. This leaves them burned out, exhausted, overwhelmed, and riddled with stress. Want to live a more joyful, free, peaceful life? Start here.