Recruiting Your Inner Critic

Some of the most high achieving, giving, successful people I know can’t acknowledge their own success.

They’re constantly time starved and think they need 12 more hours in every day.

They neglect themselves - always dismissing their own needs and desires because something or someone else “needs” them more.

They have a severely distorted outlook - constantly dismissing their achievement, because they’re always moving the goal posts on themselves. What good is having make $12 million when you should or could have made $25 mil, after all? (I hope you can hear my sarcasm!)

They’re so focused on the end result and the fact that they haven’t made it there yet that they can’t see or celebrate the immense progress they’ve made along the way.

They’re riddled with guilt and terrified of failure.

As a result of all of this, they rob themselves of happiness and the incredible relationships they desire. They also get in the way of even more (and more effortless) success.


The whole of their minds, hearts, and souls aren’t playing on the same team. Their subconscious brains are sabotaging them.

Rather than celebrating their resilience and learning from past pitfalls, they’ve convinced themselves they’re failing.

They’re exhausted, overwhelmed, and making decisions from fear + anxiety instead of making decisions that are truly aligned with who they really are and where they want to go.

What to do about it?

Well…watch the video!


Signs and Symptoms of Burnout


Pandemics, Purpose, & Profits